Lifebox in Burundi – an oximeter for every hospital

We kicked off our safer surgery work in Burundi in partnership with ATSARPS (Agora des Techniciens Supérieurs Anesthésistes Réanimateurs pour la Promotion de la Santé), the Burundian anesthesia society, to organize a pulse oximetry training workshop in Bujumbura, at the start of this year.

Lifebox’s presence in Burundi has been growing since 2017, where we held the country’s first training-of-trainer course, which was attended by 16 anesthesia providers. Each provider received a Lifebox pulse oximeter to take back to their facility.

Fast-forward two years to the most recent workshop where anesthesia providers representing 46 of the country’s 54 public hospitals attended the course. Following the training, pulse oximeters were donated to each of the 54 hospitals. The training also caused a stir, with national media sources from Burundian television and radio, capturing the workshops in action!

“Providing each of the country’s public hospitals with a pulse oximeter, has laid the groundwork for further safer surgical measures to be implemented,” said Remy Turc, Lifebox’s programme manager for Burundi. “We know that by working closely with in-country partners such as ATSARPS, clinicians will be able to achieve greater feats in safeguarding patients.”

Dynos Mugisha, a non-physician anesthesia provider from Natwe Turashoboye de Karusu hospital, attended the workshop and said, “With the new knowledge we have acquired, we are certain that complications and deaths will decrease, pre, per and post operation”.

You can support clinicians in low-and-middle income countries with the tools and training they need to provide safe surgery for their patients. Click here to find out how you can support Lifebox’s life changing work.