Applications open for the 2020 McCaskey Safe Surgery Fellowship Programme (Ethiopian Nationals only)
Lifebox is now receiving applications for the 2020 McCaskey Safe Surgery Fellowship Programme. The aim of the programme is to develop a cohort of Ethiopian healthcare providers with expertise in Academic Global Surgery and Anaesthesia, with a focus on Quality Improvement.
The programme supports 8 Ethiopian Fellows from within the four main professions within the surgical department (nursing, OB/Gyn, anaesthesia and surgery) to develop their professional, quality improvement and research skills over the course of one year. The programme is run by a Steering Committee chaired by Professor Miliard Derbew, surgeon and professor at Addis Ababa University and previous President of the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa.
Each Fellow is expected to dedicate 2-3 days each month to participate in presentations and workshops. You will be assigned a mentor from within your professional group to support and guide you on all of the activities, including the monthly workshops and presentations which you will be required to attend (one Saturday per month). Fellowship meetings will all be held in Addis Ababa.
To apply, complete the online application form at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/mccaskeyfellowship2020. Once you have done this, please submit your CV to [email protected]. This fellowship is open to Ethiopian Nationals only.
To be considered, make sure we receive your application by Friday 28th February at 8pm EAT (Eastern Africa time)