
Find the stories, updates, and impact from Lifebox's global work making surgery and anesthesia safer.



Capnography action letter

Global health organizations partner to urge health care systems globally, to include a capnograph as an essential anesthesia monitor for safer surgery in a capnography action letter.

Lifebox on Twitter

Don’t forget to take a look at our Lifebox Twitter feed: @safersurgery. We are tweeting about healthcare developments around the world, from free maternal care in Sierra Leone to new developments in patient safety research. Follow us…

NWAC World Anesthesia Congress

The NWAC World Anesthesia Congress is starting in Rome, Italy, this week and will continue until 15 April 2011. To download the conference programme and for more information, click here.

Conference on surgery and anaesthesia in Uganda

This Saturday, 2 April 2011, sees the second annual conference on surgery and anaesthesia in Uganda. Held at the Paetzold Centre at Vancouver General Hospital, the conference features presentations  from leading healthcare practitioners in Uganda and Canada, including Dr Angela…

Alan Merry on Radio New Zealand

Lifebox returns to Radio New Zealand, where Alan Merry talks to Kim Hill about Auckland Hospital’s leading role in developing the Surgical Safety Checklist and Lifebox’s mission to make surgery safer. Click here to listen.

Children’s Heart Hospital

“I have just returned from a visit to the Children’s Heart Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the charity Chain of Hope, two organizations dedicated to helping children with congenital heart disease in low-income countries. Chain of Hope has introduced…

Visit to Ethiopia

Dr Isabeau Walker, consultant anaesthetist at Great Ormond Street Hospital London, just returned from a visit with Chain of Hope to the Children’s Heart Hospital and the Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa. Here is her account of the visit:…

Atul Gawande on Radio New Zealand

Atul Gawande talks to Kim Hill on Radio New Zealand about developing the Surgical Safety Checklist, writing The Checklist Manifesto and indie rock music in the operating theatre. Click here to listen.

10th Pan Arab Congress of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care

The 10th Pan Arab Congress will be held in Damascus, Syria, on 5-7 May 2011. Dr Angela Enright, one of the Lifebox leaders, is among the international faculty taking part in the event and you can read more about the…

Alan Merry speaking at Colombian Congress

Professor Alan Merry will be speaking at the upcoming annual conference hosted by the Sociedad Colombiana de Anestesiología y Reanimación, held in Medellin 17-20 March 2011. For more information about the conference, please click here.

Lifebox website goes live

We are excited to launch our new website, helping us stay in touch with colleagues around the world to make safer healthcare a reality for patients everywhere. We would love to have your feedback and comments on the site –…

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