
Find the stories, updates, and impact from Lifebox's global work making surgery and anesthesia safer.



Going back to Ghana

The 70,000 global pulse oximeter gap keeps us busy. Not a day goes by without a Lifebox oximeter winging its way across earth and sea and sky to anaesthesia providers in the most remote hospitals worldwide, delivering…

Putting anaesthesia on the map

This is a map of where to find fish in Lake Malawi. The 3 million year old basin lapping against the ‘The Warm Heart of Africa”s eastern border has a unique biodiversity of cold-blooded residents.

Comic Time Out

Not every comic is meant to be funny. While the Scottish city of Dundee’s classic troublemaker Dennis the Menace always lunged for the elbow, one of its newer residents has gone for the incision.

A two-way street

You can cite the right statistics. You can read the New York Times over morning coffee. But stepping up to the operating room table while the sweat drips off your forehead? As colleagues in low-resource settings know,…

What’s it like to volunteer at Lifebox?

“In every aspect of life, the phrase ‘the more you learn, the more you realise how little you know’ seems to ring true – yet in the context of volunteering with Lifebox on my…

Hej hej E.S.A!

Their conference sets up shop in a different European city each year. In 2012 we put our best bisou forward making introductions in Paris… …last year we said hola to old acquaintances in Barcelona, and this year……

The humanity in humanitarian

But what else could they do?  It’s the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide, when MSF concluded that “you can’t stop genocide with doctors.”   The current situation in Central African Republic (…

A life-affirming measurement

Spot the Lifebox So we were predisposed to like Rotary, and that’s before you factor in the amazing work they’ve been helping us with over the last year! As we wrote in the April issue of Rotary Today (you can…

Got any bright ideas?

At 8:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning?  After a long journey to London from Leeds/Cardiff/Newcastle/St. Andrews?  About my – sorry, have I got this right – my innovative solutions for implementing universal health coverage? Got any coffee? Maybe that’s what you’d…

The Things That Really Need To Be Done

“We’re here today to talk about surgery,” said Lord Bernard Ribeiro, vice chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Health, as he welcomed the audience to the Houses of Parliament yesterday.  “Not as a…

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